Teknikaldomain.me Website Architecture Overview

So I just checked in with initialcommit.com, the website run by Jacob Stopak, the same person I collaborated with to help explain the internals of version control systems, not once, but twice even. And he published an overview of how he made the site, and what tools he used. As I was looking, I noticed, we took a very different approach to get to two similar endpoints.

If you just want to see what I did, read on. If you want to see the differences, or are just curious about the various ways that sites can be built, read his first, then come back with that knowledge in mind.

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Magnify and (Do Not Enhance) - Medium Zoom

So for a while now, any images that are put in the content text of a blog post have been links, you can click on one to be taken straight to the image file itself. Well if you haven’t noticed yet, that has just changed, and, in my opinion, a way that’s for the better. Meet Medium Zoom.

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Regaining Hugo Image Processing

So as of now, there’s about half as many LFS objects in this blog’s repository, the page size has fallen by, well, not exactly a rock, but by a noticeable amount, and as of now, all my images are around the same size again. So what gives?

Well like the trend is on this site, I offloaded some responsibility to something else. And by something, I once again mean Cloudflare. This time, not workers, but a feature standard with the Pro plan that I switched to a bit ago.

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Megapixels Aren't Everything

  • Phone camera resolution: 64 megapixels, 2020
  • Current camera (Nikon D80 DSLR) resolution: 10.2 megapixels, 2006
  • Next camera (Nikon D7000 DSLR) resolution: 16.2 megapixels, 2010
  • Highest-res Nikon camera I’ve found (Z7, mirrorless): 45.7 Megapixels, 2018 (ish?)

That’s a hmmm from me. But don’t get me wrong, just because the resolution is higher, does not mean that it’s a better camera. There’s so much that actually goes into a camera that just a single number isn’t telling you. Guess that means that today, we’re taking a deep-dive into camera construction, aren’t we?

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