Goodbye Drobpox, Out of the Way MEGA, Here Comes Nextcloud

Updated May 4th, 2021

So you know what Dropbox is, right? Free cloud storage. Put your files in Dropbox, and they’re available anywhere, shareable to anyone, if you want. Sounds cool, right? What about Mega? (Or MEGA?) Or Google Drive? Or Microsoft OneDrive?

Well, let me introduce you to my newest cool thing: Nextcloud.

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Today I Discovered: Graph Databases

So if you’re used to databases, you know what SQL is, most likely, and the most common SQL (relational) databases. If you’re a little more advanced, maybe you’ve heard of or even messed around with NoSQL databases. Well today, I just found something cool: graph databases — a cross between a database, and mathematical graph theory. SQL / Relational Databases SQL, or Structured Query Language, is a language that allows you to perform operations on a database, more or less independent of the database itself, the file format on disk, etc. Continue reading
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