“Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.”

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Spin the Whee- I Mean, the Subtitle Randomizer!

So if you haven’t noticed, every time you view that main title bar, the subtitle has a little extra tagline on the end of it… sometimes, sometimes it doesn’t. Well, that randomizes on every request. And here, we talk about the smallest thing I’ve made, to date: the tagline picker for that.

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I'm Ashamed, Disqus

So if you’ve ever tried to leave a comment, on here or any other site that uses Disqus (“Discuss”) for commenting, you’ll notice that it has a little array of formatting buttons below the comment box that allow you to.. format your comment. Make things bold, underlined, or insert links. Cool, right? Yes, but if you look closely, you’ll notice that they’re inserting the appropriate HTML tag for whatever you just clicked. Which makes me wonder… how does Disqus deal with other HTML tags?

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Adding Google Charts Integration

Yesterday I posted about Cloudflare’s cache, and if you didn’t notice (or read far enough down), there’s actual pie charts with data in them for visualization.

Yeah, so now I can add the Google Charts API and draw charts on any page that I like, and the best part is that it was surprisingly simple to do that.

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