Complying With the Latest Security Policies

Modern websites and modern browsers support a wide range of security features to communicate specifically what is and is not allowed to be loaded, executed, or sent over the network. Being the person that I am, I’m going to comply with the latest guidelines and best practices as much as I can… and it’s a headache.

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Improving My Site With Cloudflare Workers and Amazon S3

So as of now, anything much more over 1 MB I’m not going to take up space on all my devices hosting — I’ll just offload it to someone else. And how do I get it back? JavaScript.

No wait, I’m actually serious. As of now, I essentially have Cloudflare as a CDN that’s backed by the Amazon S3 storage service. Posts such as the one about light balance have everything but the featured image… not here anymore.

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Goodbye Drobpox, Out of the Way MEGA, Here Comes Nextcloud

Updated May 4th, 2021

So you know what Dropbox is, right? Free cloud storage. Put your files in Dropbox, and they’re available anywhere, shareable to anyone, if you want. Sounds cool, right? What about Mega? (Or MEGA?) Or Google Drive? Or Microsoft OneDrive?

Well, let me introduce you to my newest cool thing: Nextcloud.

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MacOS Installers and .DS_Store

If you’ve ever used a drive not formatted as HFS or APFS in a Mac, and later plugged it into a non-mac or poked around in the terminal, you’ve probably noticed a lot of hidden files. Almost everything has a copy that begins with ._, and there’s this ever-present .DS_Store in every directory. What’s up with this? And furthermore, how does this relate to application installers? AppleDouble and The ._ Files macOS will only create . Continue reading

Minor Rant: Linux, Scripts, and SetUID

You know the feeling when a system that you’ve used for years, and trusted, suddenly throws a curveball at you with a fun “Yeah you know this simple and concrete rule that’s never broken? Well in this one exception, it is, and nobody ever points it out. Have fun!”

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Adventures in HAProxy

For those of you that do not know, HAProxy is an amazing piece of kit that can proxy HTTP and arbitrary TCP connections. It’s also so customizable that I’m practically using it as my main entry point to my network, and do indeed refer to it internally as the “border gateway.” With two exceptions (SSH and SMTP, more on that later), everything that comes into the TD-StorageBay network, yes, that includes this site too, passes through that one process. However, HA cannot do everything… and I feel that I’m pushing its limits. Not in the “sheer workload” sense, no, I am way far off from that. I mean in the old Mythbusters style “using things in ways for which they were never intended” manner.

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