Shortening My URLs With

Has anyone noticed that I’ve been giving out URLs of the form and not Well, not only did I buy another domain that’s just a shorter version of this one, but it’s also, at the moment, the singular domain I have that’s 100% serverless. How? Cloudflare, obviously.

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Publishing SSH Fingerprints in DNS

So here’s the thing about SSH: The first time you connect to a server, you have no real idea of if that’s legitimate or not, right? Well, you could compare the key fingerprint to the fingerprint that the server admin gave you and make sure they match, but nobody does that.

Well… there is a way. Using everyone’s favorite always-broken service, DNS.

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PGP (GPG) Explained

Pretty Good Privacy, or as it’s more commonly known as by its most popular client’s name, GNU Privacy Guard, is a method of encrypting and/or signing your messages using the power of public key cryptography. And, while it can get extremely complex, the basics of using PGP are, actually, pretty simple. So in the words of the great Angus Deveson, Let’s get started.

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Using Cloudflare's HTTP/2 Server Push

For those unaware, when using Cloudflare to proxy your site, HTTP/2 support is usually on by default, and highly recommended, and you can also enable HTTP/3 too. But, for a while I thought that Cloudflare’s HTTP/2 would rob you of one of the really cool and touted features of HTTP/2: the server push. Well, as it turns out, that’s completely possible. Let’s dive in.

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Comparing IMAP and POP

For those of you that have ever tried to setup email on your phone that’s more than just GMail, you’ve likely been asked how you want to access the account, either POP or IMAP, and were likely told the difference is that “IMAP keeps messages on the server.” Well, let’s go over the specific differences here, to actually give a more complete understanding of what each protocol is like.

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